The Honnavar Beekeepers and Village
Industries Co-operative Society Limited

About Us

The Honnavar Beekeepers and Village Industries Co-operative Society Limited is a cooperative quality tested Society to promote beekeeping and other Rural small scale industries in Honnavar taluk. Providing quality assured honey and other rural small scale industrial products to the customers with reasonable price and organizing various trainings to encourage bee keepers with all supports are two main visionaries of this Society.

Inspirations to start up the Society

A. Ayurvedic Medicines

Honey bees are very useful for humans. It plays vital role for our health. Moreover honey is highlighted in Indian Ayurvedic Medicines. When we turn the pages of Honey Bee History, it reveals a surprising truth to us. Honey bees have been found since before humans, approximately 93 million years before the first humans arrived. This history tells us that honeybee is a highly sophisticated insect that has evolved over millions of years. Honey bees have been used by the humans since Neolithic Age. Interestingly bees ,honey and beekeeping have been mentioned in various Hindu Vedic Scriptures like Rigveda and Upanishad ,epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata.

B. Apiculture

The earliest source of practice of Bee Keeping or Apiculture has been indicated in the pre-historic drawings which were found at Arana in Spain. Gradually, during Prehistoric period humans understood simple practices of bee keeping. They watched natural Bee keeping in the forest and understood the nature and activities of the bees family. This observation helped them to keep them in their handmade pot or wooden boxes. They found many technique to separate honey from honey bees web. But these small and country method of bee keeping continued till 16th century. The present method of bee keeping was found in between 1500A.D. to 1857 A.D.

C. Vision of Mahatma Gandhi

During British rule in India small scale Industries and Village Business met a severe downfall. The growth of city culture was rapidly high. Villages were slowly turned into Towns and Cities. Keeping all these changes in mind ,Mahatma Gandhi initiated and promoted cottage industries and rural business. Moreover he focused the importance of Bee Keeping by including it in his rural development programmes.

Establishment of the Society

Founder. Late Shri S.K.Kollapur

When Indian Freedom Movement was in highest peak, the famous lawyer Shri S.K.Kallapur initiated and took responsibility to promote rural industries in and around of Honnavar. His visionary led to the birth of many society and industries . In this way, Honnavar Bee Keepers and Village Industries Co-operative Society Limited started in the year 1941 with initial 125 members.

Main Motto or Aim

The main motto of the Society is to promote Apiculture, provide Training for the interested Bee Keepers and to supply the required equipments for Bee Keepers at the reasonable price. Creating or producing tiny bees and selling it for profit are also the two main objectives of the society.

The members of our society are allowed to sell honey and wax. We purchase Bee Keepers’ honey with present market price. The society has high aim to help its members by providing raw packing materials and other required equipments in reasonable price.

Office Overview

The office of the Society is located near Honnavar Bus Stand with well furnished building. The office has all the facilities with most modern Honey Processing Unit. The official members have been maintaining cleanliness in the office. This society is currently led by Shri.Vishwanath Subray Bhat, the president of Honnavar Bee Keepers and Village Industries Co-operative Society Limited with 12 administrative members.

Chairman Shri Vishwanath S Bhat
Chairman Shri Vishwanath S Bhat

“Honnavar Madhu”
-Quality Assured Honey Brand

Honnavar Madhu’ is a quality assured brand name for our honey products. This unique name and its products have got remarkable fame with positive remarks by the customers. ‘Honnavar Madhu’ is a leading brand across the Karnataka for selling of honey. The quality of honey under this title has been attracting thousands of customers throughout the state. Interestingly the customer from others states have been placing order for honey.